Yes, the time now is exactly 5.06AM on the 3rd of January 2006. First up, a very HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! Woo-HOO!
But on the other hand, it's just 2006. Nothing special!
Anywayz, it's hard to say much now. Or should I say there's loads to say. But I don't know how to put it in words at the moment.
Yes, as the title fully stated, I'm sleep-deprived at this very moment. College registration is starting at 9.30 and I've got to be up by 8 to wash up and send my sis to work before getting to college. And it's 5.09AM now. Hell, I've tried sleeping for the past 2 hours, couldn't get into dreamland. The doors are locked shut! CRAP! Somehow somewhere there must be a key to unlock it in my brain! BUT I CAN'T FREAKING FIND IT!
Damn me, is starting again. Not that I'm dreading it, but it seems that I've got mixed feelings at this very moment.LOLz! I had a very nice 3-week break though! Maybe it's just the fact that I've been staying up way too late till about 6 AM where I'll only start nodding off around that time? When the sun starts to wake up and that's when I scream my head off and start running away from the sunlight because it kills me? Heck, I'm gonna become a vampire. Hmmm, doesn't sound like such a bad prospect after all. Immortality never sounded better =P. Live forever, never age. Forever trapped in a time warp where you only get wiser but not older. Physical appearance forever remains and never never need to age. Say goodbye to that anti-wrinkle cream or moisturiser for all you'll only have to worry about is having the next meal. With a cool look, and I do mean literally, will make you a mysterious figure and one that will leave others wondering about your past. Then, it all doesn't seem so worth it anymore. Not being able to age, forever trapped in a life where everyone around you slowly dies and your heart seeps away slowly with your dead loved ones, until one day, you no longer feel anything. You look upon another human being just as your next meal without the faintest of guilt as you drive your knife-like fangs deep into the very veins that pump warm LIVING blood of the human you are about to kill. Then slowly, as the years pass, you will have just a faint recollection as to how you lived your normal human life before you became one with the undead. The memories slowly slip away and then you'll come to a point in time where you think, I've been an undead all my life. The very nature of civilization no longer appeals to you and your mind slips into a primitive state of mind. You will forget who you are. You'll lose all sense of thought and language and you'll turn into a savage animal until someone,something will finally rip you limb from limb or maybe even drive a stake to your heart. Yes, you will forget that you were once human and as your cold dead blood is drained out of your body, you realise that you will have found peace that was long forgotten and you embrace it with a smile on your face.
So, want to be a vampire? Hmmm, maybe not! Maybe next time!LOLz!