Hear me people of the Earth!
Behold! The sequel to an Epic Trilogy!
Sorry la...I'm not on as big a budget as Peter Jackson did for his LOTR trilogy la... I only get what.. RM 100 per week. How can part 2 be ready so fast?
Sigh, sometimes ar... parents can be very kiam siap wan...
Anywayz, getting back to the topic... TADA!!!!
PART 2!!!
and whatever...
Wait, for I've returned!
But what have I returned for?
I come to you, at the tide of the turn!
Oh wait, that ain't right...hor?
It's okay...so long as it rhymes!!
Beginning with...
Hiro Nakamura...ME!!!
Haha! Tau la...I'm so vain right? But actually ar..to tell you guys something..
I never snap this photo..SERIOUS! I think it was...Trina "Claire" Teoh? Erica "Eden" Cheong? Jessica "Jessica Sanders" Lim? Carysa "Candice" Lim?
Dunno la...it was one of the 'a's...
Heheh...look good leh?
Eh! Eh! No!!! I mean my pimples...looks good leh? Sorry lor..typo ma..
Oh, btw... this was towards the end of the 2nd session (early in the morning of the 2nd day)...As you can see, some of us got really bored and started doing things to our papers...I just ate sweets all the way (WHAT?! FREE OKAY?!)A lil' handiwork from Carys "Candice" Lim herself...I'd have to say it's really nice...speaking of which...it looks like the whole Lim family( or their children la...Jessica "Jessica Sanders" Lim, Carys "Candice" Lim and Isaac "Isaac Mendez" Lim) can really draw! It was sad that I don't have Jessica's "Jessica Sanders" Lim artwork here at the moment but it was nice!!! Same with Isaac's "Isaac Mendez" Lim as well! No wonder they're Heroes...Aiya!! Three of you don't need to be in Lost already la...just go for Heroes cukup!!
Erica "Eden" Cheong being her usual self... CAMWHORE!!! Look into her eyes! Her power of persuasion will make you do things you never thought you do!
*Basically it's just Erica giving you the evil eye till you do as you're told*
3 main Heroes with the 4th hoggin for attention. You see, the three of us (Meng "Hiro" Kheng, Trina "Claire" Teoh, Erica "Eden" Cheong) had better character development whereby we actually travel around in reality!Isaac "Isaac Mendez" Lim can only depend on his canvas to travel around...in dreamland... therefore he was not happy at the fact that he always had to be cooped up in his own room with his own filth and paint. Oh, a word of note...Isaac paints with his um...filth. I shall leave it to your imagination...
Trina "Claire" Teoh and Meng "Hiro" Kheng wants a better shot of them looking cute together. The camera melted upon snapping this photo! *'Twas actually Claire's mom who seem to love to play with fire that melted the camera*
This is how Trina "Claire" Teoh and Meng "Hiro" Kheng were thinking of killing Nicholas "Sylar" Ting. They make c-2-pit faces!!Hoping against hope that he may somehow eat his own brain because of their c-2-pit-ity.
Yes, it is Meng "Hiro" Kheng and Carys "Candice" Lim camwhoring... just plain ol' camwhoring. Yes, we're burnt to crisp...that's what happens when you try to kill Nicholas "Sylar" Ting while under the sun. It takes forever...because he is so blur that he doesn't know what you're trying to do till it hits him and then he says..."WHAT!?
Hands...Idle hands... disrupting the picture again. Never fear! For the hands are just but an illusion that Carys "Candice" Lim created to fool your eyes! Fret not! For it only lasts...forever...
Note that the food was actually already half-eaten. It wasn't eaten by us...these are what we would like to call, leftovers by the rest of the tables who joined us for supper. Such is the condition of production in Heroes that we're forced to eat leftovers to make way for Special FX to conjure up with cool stuff to watch on TV! Such are the sacrifices the Heroes make!
We may eat leftovers but Erica "Eden" Cheong seems pretty happy. Nicholas "Sylar" Ting though...seems...blur...Does he even know that he's eating leftovers?Oh wait...*correction*...he eats brains...
Adam "Nathan Petrelli" Ang and Meng "Hiro" Kheng flexes their muscles for the camera!*CHEESE*
Carys "Candice" Lim and Trina "Claire" Teoh decides a little girl-on-girl action wouldn't hurt. Sorry to disappoint you guys though, it takes place off-camera.
This is what happens after that...
Jessica "Jessica Sanders" Lim and Joshua "Peter Petrelli" Teoh. Jessica ignores the 30-year-old emo boy and has her own food whilst thinking of Micah...who was left behind in KL because of her desire to keep him from harm a.k.a. forgetfulness...
Cameras are a man's best buddy. They take shots of your friends in their most idiotic state and this is what we call...PRICELESS!
Noted...cameras ARE a man's best friend. Look at how he's so willing to pose for the camera whilst trying to scrape whatever that's underneath his skin/foot.
It's Meng "Hiro" Kheng and Trina "Claire" Teoh again. CAMWHORING IS OUR BEST WEAPON!!
Jessica "Jessica Sanders" Lim that we all know has turned her back on us! She now focuses on all her powers to change a TV channel. Such is the demands of the production that we have to resort to minial work to continue to support our own a**E!
*To Be Continued*
The Part 2 of the Epic Trilogy ends here...
For now...