A small opening to the pink stuff I call brain.
You know, the past couple of days have been a real whirlwind for me. I don't know why but I think it's due to the fact that I may never be the same again. Of course, I mean it's nothing unusual that people change everyday and this may sound like your incessant self-pity ramblings of a hormonally-charged teenager but hear me out here.
I have realised a long time ago that the world is merciless. It came up to the point that any mistake made is scrutinized to its very core, analyzed, discussed, you name it. Mistakes that a world leader may make and the whole world would turn their eyes upon that one person and the next thing you know, the world media would then react by quoting their own leaders' opinions and sometimes even adding their own. Which at the end of the day, will continue on until someone else just as prominent if not more to make a mistake and the whole tide would shift there instead and the process repeats itself.
Or how about a scandal in Hollywood? Everyone loves a scandal to start the ball rolling. What do I mean by that? Well, what better way to meet up with your friends over a cup of coffee then to start gossipping about who's divorcing who in Tinseltown? This, I can assure you, would definitely get most people to get themselves reacquainted with their friends by starting a conversation over the latest scandal. This is especially hot among people who dreams and worship celebrities. Of course, given the oh-so-glamourous lives of the celebrities, people would definitely take more interest in them than your Prime Minister having his teh tarik in the mamak stall with his wife.
Not forgetting a secret that your friend has probably shared with you and has made sure that you would take a cyanide tablet should someone forces that information out of you. BUT, the cyanide tablet would prove to be ineffective as it's just another vitamin C tablet and the next thing you know, you've shared it with another friend who happens to know the person you were just talking about. And soon, the circle gets bigger and everyone would know what happened. The process then begins albeit at a smaller scale and repeats itself until another scandal turns the corner and knocks everyone back with juicier stuff.
You must be thinking by now, "Ceh, just a post about people gossipping about each other only mah!"
You see, this post is not just merely about people gossipping about each other. It's what's the meaning beneath this "gossipping" that I'm talking about.
Yeah, funny right? But take a look around yourself. Don't we all at some point in time "discuss" about "current issues"? It's a bloody good debate I must admit, saying as to why would the government approve of this decision and such. But why is it that we discuss about such matters? Rhetorical eh? Let me answer it for you, it's our own opinions that we're throwing over at each other. But it still doesn't answer your initial question.
What does gossipping mean?
We're actually discussing our insecurities. We're afraid of change. Don't you ever ask yourself after talking/discussing with someone that you wish you did not have said what you've just said for fear of making yourself look stupid?
LOOK STUPID. Emphasis on those two words. That's change. Whenever you say something, people's opinions change about you. Sometimes they end up respecting you more, sometimes you lose their respect. It's never the same for long. It changes all the time.
So you must be saying now, if that's the case, I may as well employ a full-time PR officer to speak for me. That way, no one can think lowly of me and I'll always be looking good! True, but what's the point? Even the world's most powerful leaders are capable of screwing up with the best PR officers/agency behind their backs. You'll forever be spoilt and you'll never learn anything. You'll be incapable of living your life independently.
Nobody is perfect, my friend. Everyone will always make mistakes. Everyone will always say something wrong. But through these, we learn and we grow to be a better person.
Now to answer the question I've posted up earlier, what's gossipping about?
It is change. And it is also a time for the person to learn from their mistakes. Strange? But true.
*I've no idea what I'm writing about. Hopefully it makes sense! :P
Just random scribbles that shows I'm capable of writing something extremely stupid or something extremely good. It depends. On.your.point.of.view.
you're here by charged for alleged writing under the influence.
what does gossip gotta do with our government anyway?lol
er..i'll probably answer that when i'm on my meds again...:P
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